Thank you for trusting me to help your business achieve its communication objectives! This is where you can access your files for download. Depending on your service option, your requested variations of files and file types can be found here.

IMPORTANT: Your logo has been saved to a transparent background. Therefore, after downloading, it may not be readily seen. 


Take the next step

Ask about website design!

Some clients prefer to do their own website design and maintenance, or their own graphic design or whatever creative endeavor, without any of the above services or options. Whatever the case, the consultation fee is $20.00 per hour, up to one hour. Then $40.00 for 2 weeks.

Select this option if you do not have a website (or need one updated). This service is available at the affordable cost of $45.00 per hour. You will pay a percentage of the estimated timeframe for completing the work. This cost includes assisting clients with searching, selecting and registering the domain name. The cost for this service does not include purchasing your registration, hosting and SSL certificate. Make contact and let's get you up and running.


Create custom intro videos, right from your speaker notes and tailored to compliment all of your graphics. 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor augue a turpis porttitor maximus. Nulla luctus elementum felis, sit amet condimentum lectus rutrum eget.